• Question: what mental health issue do people suffer from the most and how do you cope with it?

    Asked by anon-216760 to Robert, Olly, Nicola, Jasmin, Dennis, Caroline on 15 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: Robert Dempsey

      Robert Dempsey answered on 15 Jun 2019:

      Anxiety and depression are by far the most common and people can experience these to a lesser to a very severe degree. I believe that anxiety/depression (either or both combined) are one of the most common mental health diagnoses made by GPs. Coping with anxiety/depression I think depends on the individual and the nature of their experiences – some people find medication helpful, others prefer to engage in talking therapies (e.g. cognitive behavioural therapy) and focus on changing how they think about events, others focus on their overall health and make sure that they are looking after themselves in terms of being physically active, sleeping well, eating and drinking (water) well. For some people, anxiety/depression could be a reaction to events in their lives – so thinking about what has caused their anxiety/depression, changing their circumstances, getting social support, all may help.

    • Photo: Caroline Brett

      Caroline Brett answered on 15 Jun 2019:

      Depression and anxiety are the most common mental health difficulties that people experience.
      In terms of treatment, it really depends on the person and where the difficulties have come from. Sometimes, medication can be helpful when people are finding their anxiety/depression is meaning they are unable to function in the way they would like to. In the longer term, though, I personally think that it is important to understand why they ended up feeling this way and try to resolve it. It is usually a combination of life experiences, emotions, and thought processes (and other factors), and it’s important to take a holistic approach to understanding all of these and how they interact. This can mean talking to a therapist or counsellor, if that is what people find helpful, or if people would rather not speak with someone else, there are online / self-help techniques or programmes such as cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT).

    • Photo: Dennis Relojo-Howell

      Dennis Relojo-Howell answered on 15 Jun 2019:

      Depression – when you don’t enjoy things that you use to find enjoyable.

      I run a mental health blog where I curate mental health stories from people who struggle with mental health issues, I’d say 9 out of 10, they will talk about their depression or anxiety.

    • Photo: Nicola Johnstone

      Nicola Johnstone answered on 16 Jun 2019:

      Worry and mood issues. For many keeping stress levels down, eating well and getting enough sleep
      can help manage symptoms. If symptoms of worry and low mood become too much then GPs can help form a plan to cope. Sometimes this means medication, therapy or something else that can help a patient.

    • Photo: Jasmin Moon

      Jasmin Moon answered on 17 Jun 2019:

      As the others have said, anxiety and depression are by far the most common mental health problems, and I would agree with this in my work.
      Even when people have other more severe mental health problems, they very often still experience anxiety and depression.
      It’s interesting that you’ve used the word cope rather than treat as this is actually what a lot of people with anxiety and depression do – they manage it day to day rather than being cured by a certain treatment. However, GP’s will usually suggest medication and talking therapies such as CBT as a starting point.

    • Photo: Oliver Clabburn

      Oliver Clabburn answered on 18 Jun 2019:

      Hey lana, as the other scientists have said, unfortunately anxiety/depression are quite common mental health issues. To a lesser extent, however, things like stress and worry are also incredibly common and can have a massive impact on our mental health. While feeling stressed isn’t necessarily deemed an ‘official’ mental health issue, it can have a knock-on effect on things like sleep, diet, physical activity.
