• Question: will brexit affect my mental health? as i have some foran friends so will i still be friends?

    Asked by anon-216537 to Robert, Olly, Nicola, Jasmin, Dennis, Caroline on 10 Jun 2019. This question was also asked by anon-216536.
    • Photo: Dennis Relojo-Howell

      Dennis Relojo-Howell answered on 10 Jun 2019:

      From a personal standpoint, I’d say ‘no’. What we can learn from Brexit is that people have the ability to be resilient.

      I live miles away from my family – They are in the Philippines. I talk to them using the internet. You can do the same with your friends overseas.

    • Photo: Robert Dempsey

      Robert Dempsey answered on 10 Jun 2019:

      I would also say ‘no’ but I think Brexit could make some people’s mental health worse if you let it, I’d try not to let it worry you too much – its important to do the basics and look after your own health (e.g. get enough sleep, drink water, eat well…). Brexit won’t stop you being friends with people overseas and you will still be able to communicate with them and/or visit people overseas if thats what you currently do.

    • Photo: Oliver Clabburn

      Oliver Clabburn answered on 10 Jun 2019:

      Regardless of Brexit, you’ll still be able to text, email, Skype, Facetime, Whatsapp, Facebook, Insta, Twitter, Snapchat (ummm, struggling to think of more)…. post, pigeon?! Friends will remain friends wherever they/you are.

    • Photo: Jasmin Moon

      Jasmin Moon answered on 11 Jun 2019:

      I know it’s worrying when all we hear about on the news is Brexit and there is still a lot of uncertainty about what will happen. However you will still be able to contact your friends in other countries in a number of ways and Brexit shouldn’t change this! Having friends who live far away is great as it gives us knowledge and understanding about other cultures so keep those friendships going if you can!

    • Photo: Caroline Brett

      Caroline Brett answered on 11 Jun 2019:

      I would echo what others have said – Brexit is a cause for concern for some, but it will only affect your mental health if you let it. As for your friends – of course they will still be your friends 🙂 I don’t think that much will change, and with today’s technology you can stay in touch with them easily

    • Photo: Nicola Johnstone

      Nicola Johnstone answered on 12 Jun 2019:

      All the Brexit talk isn’t super nice to hear, but like everyone else said there are plenty of ways to stay in touch with your friend. If it makes you feel good to stay friends that’s not a bad thing.
